In 2018 the Desktop Army F-606s Flare Series became a record breaking crowdfunding project by passing its funding goal by over 500%. This version of the Flare is the very first model created which has never previously been released to market - the Trial Color edition. It also features an all new "Sensitive Mode" head part.
The product includes six figures featuring the Kenki Fujioka's unique design and each with their own interchangeable expression parts. Each can be equipped with one of the six armament parts, and can also have all six combined to form either the "Mode: Wolpertinger" or "Mode: March Hare" ultimate modes!
The series is of course compatible with all previously released figures in the Desktop Army series, so you can also mix and match for all sorts of options! The possibilities are limitless! Create your very own army to brighten up your desktop with some extra cuteness!